Página inicial > Q > QTY > Salvation




And came back from a night in
To find myself and the world that I hide from
By pedal, by birthright
But I just walk to cast this long shadow
And I'm taking it backwards to face my collapse first
Blocking out that sunshine

There's no need to keep on repeating things
Tell me again the importance of sleeping well
I chew the scenery
And I sight read, watch me
Thespian, so crisp he says he doesn't need
Any part of that sunshine

Well, I want salvation
Just without any of that God shit
I'll mingle in my stairwell
Well, it's what keeps me up at night, gonna be alright

I figured out that the gist to pageantry
Is living life like I'm a figurine
Just how each time I'm touched
I'll end up where I'm pushed and
Always coming down from a high
Hiding out from that sunshine

Well, I want salvation
Just without any of that God shit
I'll mingle in my stairwell
Well, it's what keeps me up at night, gonna be alright

Well, I want salvation
Just without any of that God shit
I'll mingle in my stairwell
Well, it's what keeps me up at night, gonna be alright

Gonna be alright
Gonna be alright
It's gonna be alright
Gonna be alright
Gonna be alright

Composição: QTY

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