Página inicial > Q > QTY > New Beginnings

New Beginnings



The race to finish lines
Where other people's lives are jeopardized
At the flash of a moment, I stare
The movements collapse on the other side

Thank God for new beginnings
I want to be alive
Thank God for new beginnings
Am I alright? (OOh)
Am I alright? (OOh)

A day goes by, another one
Direction the same, intentions so tame
Should I wear white or wear black?
Procession at the drop of a hat

Thank God for new beginnings
I want to be alive
Thank God for new beginnings
Am I alright? (OOh)
Am I alright? (OOh)
Thank God for new beginnings
I want to be alive
Thank God for new beginnings
Am I alright? (OOh)
Am I alright? (OOh)

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