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Living Things



You and I are always losing out, it seems
But you can always sleep it off in my direction
You're every version of my favorite thing
And I know that without you
I couldn't even keep my lights on

So watch me as I make up for past disasters
I know I'm only able 'cause to you, it wouldn't matter

If this losing streak went on another day
If this losing streak went on another day
Oh, you said you wanted it sweet and so
You do your best to sugarcoat
That living's unaffordable
Well, life is pretty cheap

You and I have pulled a couple strings
And seen those seasons change so often
It feels like they're stuttering
I've built up trust and kept some promises
I only broke myself and you said
"Hey, that's not a problem"

Watch me as I make up for past disasters
I know I'm only able 'cause to you, it wouldn't matter

If this losing streak went on another day
If this losing streak went on another day
But you said you wanted it sweet and so
You do your best to sugarcoat
That living's unaffordable
But life is pretty cheap
Oh, you said you wanted it sweet and so
You do your best to sugarcoat
That living's unaffordable
And life is pretty cheap

Composição: QTY

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