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World Breaker


Good luck with being haunted
You're gonna come whenever you're called on
And that boy you've grown so fond of
Is far too sheltered to get along with
Stressed out by my tender muscles
It's that chair that I fall asleep in
Waking up to get some caffeine
And find somebody for the weekend

At rest stops or anywhere you are
It's the burden of a world breaker

Bathroom stalls and the bad parts of the park
It's wherever you are
Seedy bars, apartment in the outer borough
It's wherever you are
It's wherever you are
Carry that burden of a world breaker

I put out for double vision
I wrote home because I started to miss it
I told David that I had seen things with double meanings
'Exit left' left me feeling defeated

But at rest stops or anywhere you are
It's the burden of a world breaker

Bathroom stalls and the bad parts of the park
It's wherever you are
Seedy bars, apartment in the outer borough
It's wherever you are
It's wherever you are
Carry that burden of a world breaker
Carry that burden of a world breaker
Carry that burden of a world breaker

Composição: QTY & Dan Lardner and Alex Niemetz

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