Página inicial > Q > QTY > Rodeo




Every rodeo comes to an end
It's the inevitable, there are bandages
On every road, a gas station
It's the distance between them, that's miles per gallon

Well, how far from where I've been?
And how long until it's comfortable?

A rough patch isn't even that
I'm with my person, my very own person
My dark thoughts turn to bar talk
I'm with my person, my very own person

Pocket change on the tarmac
An imprint of me walking the length of my footsteps
I grew up, I was liked less
I had a drink, I had another, I got over it

Well, how far from where I've been?
And how long until it's comfortable?

A rough patch isn't even that
I'm with my person, my very own person
My dark thoughts turn to bar talk
I'm with my person, my very own person
Someone you can count on
Someone you can trust in
Who takes you at your worst and
They never care how often

First there was bewilderment
Followed by second guess
A trinity is a tourist trap
Looking for a monument
That's five dollars at the door
Saw hexagrams, heard curse words
Seven hours sleeping towards
An eight-hour day at work

A rough patch isn't even that
I'm with my person, my very own person
My dark thoughts turn to bar talk
I'm with my person, my very own person
A rough patch isn't even that
I'm with my person, my very own person
My dark thoughts turn to bar talk
I'm with my person, my very own person

Composição: Dan Lardner and Alex Niemetz

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