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Sad Poetic



Found myself getting sick of myself
And women only holding dull blades
And I've heard that time heals all wounds
I never knew that even time could bruise
Now I know it's true
Habits are hard and health is easier to lose

And I don't wanna be a bad investment
Causing only bad intentions
No, I don't wanna sound like a sad poetic
Saying one thing, then I regret it
But ooh, ah-ooh, ah, baby, come on
Ooh, ah-ooh, ah, baby, come on

Found myself a replacement
I'm heading north to wash off this grease
And communication's effortless
If no one tries to contact me
Oh darling, believe I'm not hard to please

And I don't wanna be a bad investment
Causing only bad intentions
No, I don't wanna sound like a sad poetic
Saying one thing, then I regret it
But ooh, ah-ooh, ah, baby, come on
Ooh, ah-ooh, ah, baby, come on

Composição: QTY

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