Página inicial > Q > QTY > Ornament



Washing one hand, caution in the wind
It's a community where a handshake's gambling
And hanging on, or what I meant
Just want to be an ornament

Renting my keys out to a friend
It's so much easier if you just let yourself in
And hanging on, or what I meant
Just want to be an ornament

And passing by, or being passed
Throw a thing away, it's overstayed, strayed the path
I want it badly, but I can't stay in one place
I want hard candy, something sweet without the pain

Now that I am in a good place
I want to escalate, every day a subtle change
And hanging on, or what I meant
Just want to be an ornament

Keeping your faith, got all the symptoms of a saint
Still a community where the best men tend to break
And hanging on, or what I meant
Just want to be an ornament

Passing by, or being passed
Throw a thing away, it's overstayed, strayed the path
I want it badly, but I can't stay in one place
I want hard candy, something sweet without the pain
I want it so badly, but I can't stay in one place
I want hard candy, I'm afraid my teeth will break

Composição: Dan Lardner and Alex Niemetz & QTY

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