YOUNG BUDDY: Hey. up there! YOUNG BEN: Way up there! BOTH: Whaddaya say. up there! YOUNG SALLY: Hi... YOUNG BEN: Girls... YOUNG PHYLLIS: Ben... YOUNG BUDDY: Sally... BUDDY: Waiting around for the girls upstairs After the curtain came down. BEN: Money in my pocket to spend. BOTH: "Honey, could you maybe get a friend for my friend?" SALLY: Holding our ground for the boys below, Fussing around with our hair. PHYLLIS: Giggling, wriggling out of our tights, BOTH: Chattering and clattering down all of those flights- ALL FOUR: God, I'd forgotten there ever were nights Of waiting for the girls, Waiting for the girls, Waiting for the girls, Waiting for the girls, Waiting for the girls Upstairs. COMPANY: Hats off, Here's the home of Beautiful girls, Where your Reason is undone. Beauty Can't be hindered From taking its toll. You may lose control. Faced with these Loreleis. What man con moralize! Caution, On your guard with Beautiful girls. Flawless charmers Every one. This is how Samson was shorn; Each in her style a Delilah Reborn, Each a gem. A beautiful diadem Of beautiful--welcome them-- ROSCOE: These beautiful COMPANY: Girls!