[Phone Guy]
Hello? Hello?
Hi, I'm Phone Guy!
Pleasure to meet you!
I'd like to leave a
Few quick words
Freddy's friends can
Get a bit active
Blah blah blah
That's completely absurd
Bonnie! Freddy! Time to get ready!
Midnight already?
Time to play!
Hey, I heard they hired a new guy!
And it's his first day!
I'll try out all the cameras
To see what they do
Let's check the animatronics
Did one of them just move?
Don't be dumb! That's insane!
Look, they're standing all the same
Except for one... Could it be?
Bonnie's staring right at me?
What's that sound?
It seems to be screaming
Everything's seeming slightly strange
Let's say hi! He seems a bit jumpy
How do these cameras change?
They're heading here just to eat me!
Like juicy flesh fruit!
Or maybe they'll all stuff me
Inside a Fazbear suit!
Seal the doors! Hit the lights!
Hey new guy, are you all right?
Stay away! Leave me be!
Don't be scared! It's only me!
Oh no! He sounds like he's in trouble!
Foxy, are you there?
The new guy's trapped inside!
They're breaking down the door!
He sounds so terrified!
Hold on, Foxy's come to get you!
Is that something in the vent?
Why's it smell like blood and mucus?
That's our natural scent!
I need a disguise to hide in!
A mask or a head!
Hey Chica, check the kitchen!
I think that camera's dead
Don't blink
Don't breathe
Don't move
Please, Foxy, leave
What's he doing?
Sealing the air vents!
New guy, don't! You need fresh air!
Wow, I'm getting kind of loopy
At least I don't feel scared!
Hi there! I'm Freddy!
Wanna come and play?
I think you're special
In your own way!
I'd love to sing a song with you!
It's my favorite thing to do
‘Cause I love you through and through!
Come play with Freddy!
Play the night away!
All Freddy's friends
Have come here to say
We'd love to sing a song with you!
It's our favorite thing to do
‘Cause we love you through and through!