This is my chance to do something super special!
This is my chance to make something truly great!
It's my time to shine
And all the world is mine!
Can't wait to redesign and innovate!
This is my chance to create a brand new mascot!
This is the face that will represent the brand!
A star with class and heart
Who doesn't smell like farts
Or made of better parts than just a crate with hands
Funds low
Bills due
Poor bank
Gotta break it
Stained bib
Free trash
So I'll take it
Big things are happenin' and I'm at ground zero!
I've got a feeling change is on the wind!
My destiny awaits me and I'm here at ground zero!
A brand new story's startin' and I'm here at ground zero!
This is my chance to salvage something priceless!
Maybe not this, but something semi-rare!
This green monster thing's
Got all its wiring
It's just requiring a little less hair
Just a few things to tidy up the office
Just a few bucks is all we really need
I'll run an ad or two
To buy us something new
Why, slightly used will do- I'm sure it's guaranteed!
Don't talk!
Don't move!
What's with
This dumb bunny?
Room to
But that
Costs more money
Dawn of a new horizon and I'm here at ground zero!
The wheels are all in motion as we speak!
Hist'ry's in the making! I've got nothing to fear! Oh
It's all a work in progress, but I'm here at ground zero!
One miniscule lawsuit
My income is gone
My dreams can't be so simply erased
I'll sell things and salvage!
No polish, no more games, no more space
This is the time to see what dreams are made of!
This is the fight I can't afford to lose!
Think outside the box!
No need for safety locks!
A bit unorthodox, but I ain't got no choice
so it's the choice I choose!
Late night
Soft chair
Change bulbs
Can't be lazy
What's that?
Who's there?
Am I
Going crazy?
Pause fan
Scan vent
How long
Is this taking?
Print -- done!
Pay -- sent!
Hands, why
Are you shaking?
Fate is on the way to meet me here at ground zero!
The stars are all aligning overhead!
Something new is brewing for me here at ground zero!
The future's at the threshold and I'm here at ground zero!