Uranus and Gaia
Ruled in heaven and earth
They had the titans
Born after the cyclops had been thrown into the Tartar
Attached to anvil
I am the strongest and control is mine
I won't be defeated by anyone who tries
My sons you must free your brothers
As it has been prophisized
Uranus will be dethroned by the hand of his son
No matter how strong
Your chances are better when sleep arrives
Don't hesitate or the same fate will fall over you
And nothing can bring you back from the dark
I will rip you
Taking your vital force
I will spread your blood in the immensity
Cronus lead us now that tyranny is over
And bring back the peace to each other
I am the strongest and control is mine
I won't be defeated by anyone who tries
Rhea my sister and wife
Every newborn son
Will be devoured by me
I won't make the same mistake of my father
Who said I would also fall by the hand of my son
I will make everyone go
Take our last son Zeus
That I covered in cloth
Because I cannot bear to see you again
Swallow another son
Now that Rhea tricked Cronus
Zeus will live in Crete with the Nymphs and Centaurs
In a cave in the forest to fulfill his fate
Do you want to
drink with me?
I came from far away
Drink and feel the pleasure
And with that drink
Cronus vomited all his sons
Who have joined the storm
That Zeus would create
I am the strongest
I'm ready to fight
I'll bring back the titans
Titanomachy will start
The crushed earth mixed with the sky falling down
The wind throws the dust punishing everything around
Thunder lightning and fire fiercely roaring in the air
Weapons that had helped in a war
War of many years
I am the strongest and the control is mine
I won't be defeated by anyone who tries