Juliane Hooper


Juliane Hooper


I did the right thing
But I'm still sad
I wasnt happy or glad
Only a little bit less sad

I feel too much and nothing
At the same time
Keep me away
From these soulless stereotypes

Everyone wants to be around
Everyone cares about me
As long as they are fucking me
While they get the best of me
I soulfully refuse your sympathy
Your sympathy

Won't settle for crumbs
Won't settle for crumbs, ever again, ever again
I am my home, I am my home
I am my own home, I am my own home

I said I'm sensitive
Not fragile or weak
Like circumstances
Have tried to make me

I am more
Than the rejection
I'm more than
The disconnection

Everyone wants to be around
Everyone cares about me
As long as they are fucking me
While they get the best of me
I soulfully refuse your sympathy
Your sympathy

Won't settle for crumbs
Won't settle for crumbs, ever again, ever again
I am my home, I am my home
I am my own home, I'm my own home

It's often painful though
I want no labels
So full of thrills though
I want no thrills, still
Wanna feel fulfilled
Faking and breaking
Just goes to show
How lost we are in translation

Now sitting here alone
I can see my true home
In my restless mind, in my restless heart

Won't settle for crumbs
Won't settle for crumbs, ever again, ever again
I am my home, I am my home
I am my own home, I am my own home
Won't settle for crumbs
Won't settle for crumbs
I am my own home, I am my own home

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