Today I can feel it touching home Today pain became a real life hurting thing And the choir of loneliness sang me a song Now I know just what it means to lose a lifetime dream
Cause today I can feel it touching home No longer do I wonder why men have lost their minds Or wind up in a jungle of flashing neon signs Now I know just how long
A man can last when love is gone Because today I can feel it touching home No longer do I wonder why men have lost their minds Or wind up in a jungle of flashing neon signs
Now I know just how long A man can last when love is gone Cause today I can feel it touching home Cause today I can feel it touching home
You're All Too Ugly Tonight Yeah you're all too ugly tonight Why there ain't a decent one in sight You won't win no ribbon You can't win no prize
You're all too ugly tonight You're all as ugly you can't believe Go ahead, get up off your old rusty knees The answer is no I gotta better place to go
You're all too ugly tonight So mama put on another pot of coffee Put those little babies to bed You know the crazies and the freaks
You won't believe whats on the streets I'm comming on home to you instead! 'Cause the're all too ugly tonight Why there ain't a decent one in sight
You can't win no ribbon No way to win no prize You're all too ugly tonight So put on another pot of coffee
Put those precious babies to bed Why the crazies and the freaks Girl you won't believe whats on the streets I'm comming on home mama to you instead!
'Cause the're all as ugly as sin Why even dracula wouldn't be caught with on them! Outstanding in the field Of things that are unreal It's all too ugly tonight It's all too ugly tonight!