Dark Tranquillity


Dark Tranquillity

Exposures: in Retrospect And Denial

Nothing that he was a man
His true face of sleep a disappointment
Caíram by all the way to the bottom
Learned to hold

Again we vowed not to hold sacred
But the damn that look hollow
Unsteady on these shores
Mute to a shout insurmountable
Another floor fell silent
Like the static in your eyes
Against all logic fleeing
We let our minds go

Why define ourselves by misguiding light?
How can we get the static in your eyes

Each flash of light a accuser
Each form not a murderer

Crawled outside the rim
With his back exposed
The shadows inexhaustible
He fought off the stars

Again we vowed not to hold sacred
But the damn that look hollow
Unsteady on these shores
Mute to a shout insurmountable
Another floor fell silent
Like the static in your eyes
Against all logic fleeing
We let our minds go

Cancel the ego, stay right back
Stay right back
How can we receive
The static?

Fear that strangles spirit
Denial speaks the truth
Fear that strangles spirit
Esmaga me and you

Maus are the senses, the words are bad
Give me the static

Again we vowed not to hold sacred
But the damn that look hollow
Unsteady on these shores
Mute to a shout insurmountable
Another floor fell silent
Like the static in your eyes
Against all logic fleeing
We let our minds go

Compositor: Jerry

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