Dark Tranquillity
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One of Us Is Gone

Dark Tranquillity

Endtime Signals

Our words can never do it
One of us is gone
No faith, no fear, no nothing
Just can't believe it

Close now to the end
No epiphanies
We'd rather face indifference
Than any spark of hope
Remain where sanity holds you
Whatever happens, happens
Remain where sanity holds you close
Whatever happens

Words that drew a future
In every shade of grey
This quiet understanding
Is not еnough
Stay in this forever
We'll spеak your name
As we move in memory
Trapped in time

Closer to the end
Telling no more lies
In strength and understanding
We are alone
So face the greatest emptiness
As it falls around you
On every step of the way
To the ever, the ever opening night
These are the longest hours
Not knowing what time will grant us
These are the words that compose the dark
This is now where we are
And one of us is gone

Our words can never do it
One of us is gone
One of us is gone

Compositores: Fredrik Johansson, Martin Brändström & Mikael Stanne

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