Dark Tranquillity
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False Reflection

Dark Tranquillity

Endtime Signals

What little we know, know of each other
What part of our distance is real
Further from the core, core of our being
A borrowed perspective, a voice not our own

What we see is a darkened mirage
Through the prism we broke out from
One judgement feeds yet another
This fractured mind broken by our view of us

What we crave for ourselves
From anyone who will listen
Is not enough, enough to maintain
That image in the mirror
You see for yourself
What are we if not a false reflection?

We've always been two, two seconds away
From misery or bliss, now you decide
We'd rather not see, see what is given
When we can take the pieces and build our own

What stands before us are manmade monsters
Created by our own damn selves
We feign a deep understanding of something
Of something we can never be
What we crave for ourselves
From anyone who will listen
Is not enough, enough to maintain
That image in the mirror
You see for yourself
What are we if not a false reflection?

From anyone who will listen
Is not enough, enough to maintain
That image in the mirror
You see for yourself
What are we if not a false reflection?

Compositores: Niklas Sundin, Johan Reinholdz, Martin Brändström & Mikael Stanne

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