asp php computer nerd hustlin old school hacker with my punch cards rustlin all these other rappers are a dime a dozen while im like a tesla coil boy i keep on buzzin bulletproof vest i gotta pocket protector i know all the angles calculate the vector smart and deadly like hannibal lecter feel the wrath of khan when im in your sector im a star wars buff and i use the force i got the rpg but thats par for the course play magic tap mana i show no remorse rip sean murray hes back in the source cuz geeks dont die we just decompile we dont decompose cuz thats not our style i be sitting in the park playing chess wit yall cuz i suck real bad playing basketball i pick fights on the net just to show im tough but if you get in my face i cant tell you enough im a digital thug for a reason but dont think i aint got triggaz im squeezin bitch you know that noobs are always in season so rofl it up cuz ima stop your breathin aint the first time a hater been brought to the beach and if i aint pulled your credit ima fuck up ya speech ima take away your voice and your 0day leech cuz im an oper in this game IRC now preach all them genmay faggots be saying b seven but ill choke em darkside like my name was darth revan wanna kiddie corral this white rapper now? one ring on the banana phone the site goes down i got russians with botnets the size of alaska ill drop the whole net im a multitaska general mayhem well bitch who asked ya ill beat you down like shonuff the masta im the last dragon - yall faggin waving to you isajeeps from my benz wagon got more beef then fullvietfx but ill bet me and him still get more sex then all you fuckin virgins tryin to act hard but yall just hurtin meanwhile im just steady nerdin crazy like im tyler durden bitch im boss playa status and my life is real and my mom doesnt pay my cable bill so yall poor faggots just qft my rhymes my site my mp3 cuz ima keep coming with spamtec hits while sanjay bans another 26k bitch
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