I live in the city
I've been up, down
But, usually I'm drowning in the middle
I've seen it all in the city
And, if they got it anywhere
Then we got it over here
No kidding
But, in time I've found
You can get nonchalant
About whatever come down
If the mobsters and the Mayor
Buddy buddy tight tight
Same damn thing any alley any night
The rich come first, the poor come last
The whole world sticks it to the middle class
You get tough
You get tough
You get tough
You get tough
We're in Beirut
Still in Nicaragua
We're all over Asia and Europe
And today we're in Granada
While over here
On the Lower East Side
The Pagans and The Skulls
Have invaded the turf of Los Diablos
Well, in time I've found
You can get nonchalant
About whatever come down
People starving in an African natio
People living in Grand Central Station
Families sleeping in a makeshift tent
The end of the month and
Once again I'm sweating rent
You get tough
You get tough
You get tough
You get tough
You get tough
Do you think I'm naïve
Yeah, well maybe
But, it's a big world, I'm one guy
I ain't gonna let it drive me crazy
But, I'll shout as loud as I can
Because I care about every living boy, girl
woman and man
And, in time I've found
I found
I found you get tough
You get tough
I found you get tough
You get tough
You get tough
It don't mean I don't hate it
You get tough
It don't mean I don't hate it
You get tough
It don't mean I don't hate it
I hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it
Hate it, hate it
You get tough