You don't really want to get involved in my life it's kinda scary like a slurpee brain frezze, you don't really want to taste more than the first kiss, because if you do there are some things you should know about me
Im a messed up kid with a messed up head, driving this wreck of a life through all the yellows and reds cause my messed up parents messed up and had me if you want something totaled just give me the keys
so you think that's kind of charming everyone you knows a little confused but I bet they're not all super-jinxed black cloud bad luck shit magnet psycho mood swing lunatics like me
I'm a messed up kid with a messed up head driving this wreck of a life through all the yellows and reds cause my messed up parents messed up and had me if you want something totaled just give me the keys and all of my friends are all a mess they're all a mess just like me if you put us all together it gets really ugly I'm a mess
I'm a messed up kid with a mess of a life I look for boots with my teeth And my back with a knife I cant explain all the fuck Ups and failures Cant remember any names Its not something quantifiable And its not some kind of game What does it mean when Everything's fucks up What does it mean when Everything sucks What does it mean when you don't Want to leave the house You'd rather stay in bed drunk I'm a mess