Soul Asylum
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High & Dry

Soul Asylum

Slowly But Shirley

Where the levee broke, the flood came down
And washed away our little town
Grandma floated out to sea
I saw her looking back at me
So, I swam down to 2nd Street
I touched the trees beneath my feet
There was nothing I could do
But float away into the blue

Floating over trees, face up to the sky
Hoping desperately, to be high and dry
To be high, and dry

With nothing I could hold on to
All I could do was think of you
Safe and warm so far away
Perhaps we'll meet again someday

I could not sleep as it grew dark
Alligators, rats and sharks
But that was oh so long ago
Oh, where did everybody go

See me drifting by, wishing I could fly
I'd do anything, to be high and dry
To be high, and dry

I fantasize the higher ground
I felt that soon I'd probably drown
The water rose, for sure I'd sink
I only wanted one last drink
The bar was somewhere under me
As I became one with the sea
It's not the way I planned to die
I took one last look at the sky

Sweet oxygen, dear old friend of mine
I can make amends, and be high and dry
And be high and dry

I closed my eyes and held my breath
Thought what the hell, I'll put off death
And just as I thought life was lost
My shoelace snagged the big old cross

I balanced there upon the steeple
Searching for the rescue people
I heard of being saved by the church
Man, how could things get much worse

Then the sun came up
Split the black cloud sky
The reservoir filled up
And the flood began to subside
I was hung out to dry
A tear falling from my eye
Way up in the air
Hanging on for dear life
Looking for the rescue squad
I was high and dry
I was high, and dry

Compositor: David Pirner

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