Página inicial > World Music > S > Sevdaliza > That Other Girl

That Other Girl


The Suspended

He never knew what I was made of
Heat couldn't melt me
Cold couldn't waiver me
He never knew my form or shape
His heart couldn't melt me
Water couldn't leave me
Caught him standing with a stare
He took me all the way in this bed

Operating from another world
I want to be that other girl
That other girl
Want to be that other girl
I want to be that other girl

He never knew what I was made of
Heat couldn't melt me
Cold couldn't waiver me
He never knew my form or shape
His heart couldn't melt me
Water couldn't leave me
Caught him standing with a stare
He took me all the way in this bed

Operating from another world
I want to be that other girl
That other girl
Want to be that other girl

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