Production lines and chains that make the blue sea shake
A world you're dreaming of
afraid to see it's illusion
I point with my finger to the destination I want
The torn and old map is still essential for my journey
Nobody could know, if you have a desire in your heart
You should do everything to fulfill it
No matter what pain is lodged in your rusty body
Gather all the courage you have and make a new tomorrow
The cobalt sky will envelop us
on the road and with colorful dreams
The sky is gray and a threat is coming from the east
It is a tremendous rain
Then yell, earth in sight!
With the most insane voice ever
If you're afraid to move on
take my hand and let's go
Through the mighty seas together
So I cut the wind, even if zero goes to one
My friend let's go on a new adventure
A new story along with a new page
So we swore and made a promise that we would never part
The sea with many monstrous creatures
tells us that that sea is dangerous
No matter what pain is lodged in your rusty body
Gather all the courage you have and make a new tomorrow
The cobalt sky will envelop us
on the road and with colorful dreams