Now depression must wait, to the twister of death; the sky now grey not black The rain is still pouring in amounts previously unseen Burial complete, the blood is cleansed from my hands And now I must flee this demilitarized sector Night has come the woods have become a frightening abode I feel her kin breathing down my back A valley appears that is free of the storm When morning comes I will be far from here Priority lies with covering whatever trail I've made Evasion is the short term key Nervous tremblings slow an already tiresome tread An hour the time I need to reflect Sands of unconciousness pour along a belt that feels like vapours of discordance as I leave my solid state The obvious imperative - escape To the Kromnium transport To a distant system Where life can begin again The astral voyage leads me to the delta A craft prepares to depart The last remaining pieces go to she who flies The destination of this journey is certain.