How do you know that it's winter again?
For me, it's the hallways
And gathering 'round, spewing empty amens
And laughing hard with eyes glazed
And I wanna be, more than anything
Just a hair less tragic
So let's go get a tree and stuff it in the trunk
Just to Google how to put it up
And you wonder how your parents did it
When do you know somewhere is home?
It'd be great to have some Christmas spirit
Or friends that live close
But I'm just as much a fantasist
As I'm a lone ghost
Last night I went on a walk after 1
Big Dipper was a spectacle
But it didn't even come close to the frеshly-mowed lawns
And the wasteful outdoor light fеstivals
No you don't understand, I deeply love the sentiment
If only Santa wasn't spoiled at six
It'd probably all be different, and come December 10th
I probably wouldn't be seasonally anemic (Hahaha)
One, two, three
And you wonder how your parents did it
When do you know somewhere is home?
It'd be great to have some Christmas spirit
Friends that live close
But I'm just as much a fantasist
As I'm a lone ghost
Oh, ooh, oh
I'm a lone ghost