Sou Lingts
16. 04. 23
Life tests us daily
The weak suffer most
because they lack strength
and confidence in themselves
If what we try to do is going wrong
don't get angry
Don't blame luck or anyone else
Let us simply pray
asking the Father of love and kindness
To overcome the bad phases
learning from this to overcome ourselves
Let us take advantage of difficulties
taking from them ennobling lessons
Such as being more friendly, more loyal
calm, more tolerant and persistent
And persistence should be seen as a virtue
and not as stubbornness
In addition to persistence
it's good to use the sensitivity
we have to understand things
And many of them, sometimes
come to mind in the form
of good or bad impressions
They are intuitions that we receive
and, almost always
We think are the fruit of imagination
For this reason, let us remove bad thoughts
Capturing the sensations
ideas and intuitions always
Beneficial and positive
We are endowed with many faculties
But very few manage
to vent that intuitive faculty
That points out paths and presents solutions
Starting this Sunday
let us be more attentive with our thoughts
Watering them with the unshakable sap of faith
and belief in God
Who always protects those who trust in him
and act in favor of good
Never give up
Marcelo Bezerra