without my hands without my nose without my fangs without my clothes without my nervous system without my brain without my tonsils I'm not the same
without my brand of humor um... without my so-so fashion sense without my love for all things funky without my lack of pretense
without my repetitive behavior without my repetitive behavior without my occasional deviation without my repetitive behavior
without my hands without my nose without my fangs without my clothes without my nervous system without my brain without my tonsils I'm not the same as I was just a moment ago better to stick to the things you know doesn't it suck when it all changes doesn't it feel like you've been vanquished
first you have hands, and then you don't first you have a nose, and then you don't first you have fangs, and then you don't first you have clothes, and then you don't and then you don't and then you wake up you shower and you brush your teeth you have a bowl of Special K, 'cause it's a Special Day but it's just the same as any other day the only difference is you have no soul and no fangs, and no brain, and no chains, and apparently no say
Dear God, why is it raining outside? Dear God, why is everything glowing oddly? Dear God, I think I'm in a loophole Dear God, what do you suggest I do?
I want to do the opposite of what I did before I knew I wanted to I want to do the opposite of what I did before I knew I wanted to I want to do the opposite of what I did before I knew I wanted to I want to do the opposite of what I did before I knew I wanted to I want to be myself, as long as being myself is popular among my peers I want to be myself, as long as being myself is popular among my peers I want to do the opposite of what I did before I knew I wanted to I want to do the opposite of what I did before I knew I wanted to B... A... whatever it is whatever it is whatever it is whatever it is whatever it is whatever it is whatever it is whatever it is (whatever it is)
Please excuse the following half-assed segueway.
without my hands without my nose without my fangs without my clothes without my nervous system without my brain without my tonsils I'm not the same