Has anybody ever seen Ms. Pinky? Hey, now you're gonna know what I'm talking about
We're gonna dedicate this whole song to Ms. Pinky For those of you who don't know about ms We recently visited that colorful country finland And were met at the airport by a gentleman named erik Erik sees us everytime we go to finland He's a very nice person He collects autographs and gives us presents And when we left finland Erik gave me a magazine to read on the airplane It was one of his favorite books Now a lot of people have heard Quite a bit about danish pornography But have you ever heard of finnish pornography? It's real different He gave me a finnish pornographic magazine That had some girls in it that I couldn't even believe That they would take pictures of 'em There was one or two in there that looked like Grace slick but the rest of 'em were hurtin', really hurtin' And of course the quality of the color photography Was just a little bit too far in the red direction You know, they printed too much red and they were showing A lot of girls with red shoes, big like this But when it got down to the business-like details Of that interesting zone between the legs These hunks of meat hanging down From the little bushes of hair All looked like they were horribly infected! Anyway, thumbing through the magazine There was an advertisement in there for a product It's a lonely person product And I know you have quite a few lonely person products Here in denmark There's so many shops That are dedicated to the needs of the lonely german The lonely italian, the lonely american and the lonely spanish Person that drifts into your territory Now, there are many lonely person products You know, the most basic of all of these is the vibrator And uh, it, it can be very usefull And entertaining used properly But when you start branching out To little things like rover's reamer Has anybody ever seen rover's reamer? It's a plastic dog dick about this long With a crank in the end of it Now that is definitely a lonely person product And Ms. Pinky is another one of those Special lonely person products Ms. Pinky is shorter than the average girl Because she doesn't have a body, all she's got is a head She's got a rubber head and her eyes are closed And her mouth is wide open and she's got her lips Rolled back over her teeth so she doesn't hurt you very much And she's washable So we're gonna dedicate this song to Ms. Pinky For all the good work that she has done for everybody Who sent away for her in the finnish magazine And especially for the guy in the back Who has probably got Ms. Pinky sitting in his lap right now Tucked away underneath of his overcoat Just down there, having a good time