He was driving the cattle
And went following tracks in the trail
Dust little pieces of time
Well-traveled travelers, a flag and a veil
Moving on softly and calmly
Taking their time like there's no place to go
Then vanished just around the bend
Where the trail ends at end of the road
And from that moment there was nothing
No explanation, no news at all
No sign of horses or cattle
No sign of the cowboy who led the battle
An old drifter said he couldn't understand
What was gone with no trace, no tracks and no man
That was a long time ago, when cowboys still rode
And worked the day long
Driving herds in the saddle
Stirrups and bridles creaking at dawn
Shooting stars in the sky
Guitars and bonfires when the days end
Days and months flow together
Never know when we'll be meeting again
This is all part of the past
Part of our history, memories that last
And even today when the cowboys all come together
They talk of the ghosts and things
They never will understand
Gone with no trace, no tracks and no man
Isso foi hĂĄ muito tempo, tempo em que a tropa ainda viajava
Com seus fados e pelegos
No ranger do arreio ao romper da aurora
Tempo de estrelas cadentes
Fogueiras ardentes ao som da viola
Dias e meses seguindo, destino fluindo, a gente indo embora
Tudo isso aconteceu
E o fato que se deu faz parte da histĂłria
E até hoje em dia quando junta a peãozada
Coisas assombradas, verdades juradas, dizem que sumiram
Que não existiram, ninguém sabe nada