Sitting in Solomon's colonnade
At the Beautiful Gate
Was a cripple begging for alms
He was there every single day
With a cup in his hand
Here come apostles Peter and John
"Sir could you spare some change?
Every day people just pass me by. "
Then Peter stopped
And said "Look into my eyes"
Silver and gold have I not
But what I've got I'll bring to you
In the name of the Lord
Stand up and walk
Silver and gold have I not
But what I've got I'll give to you
In the name of the Lord
Rise up and walk!
In the name of Jesus
Jesus of Nazareth
Rise up and walk
Be healed
Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth
Rise up and walk
Be healed!
Then Peter reached out his hand
To help this lame man
At that moment his feet were restored
Yes he had brand new legs
And he was walking and leaping in praise
He gave all the glory to the Lord
When people saw that I was dancing
They realized I was the cripple man
The everyone stopped and praised the Lord
For all that He had done