Bryan Ferry
Página inicial > Art Rock > B > Bryan Ferry > Can't Let Go

Can't Let Go

Bryan Ferry

The Bride Stripped Bare

Well I rush out blazin'
My pulse is racin'
As the rain streams down my face
There's no turning back now
To fight with fate
Outnumbered, out of place

They said go west young man, that's best
It's there you'll feel no pain
Bel-Air's okay if you dig the grave
But I want to live again

Can't let go
There's a madness in my soul tonight
Can't let go
Must ride like the storm
Can't let go
Will I run out of control tonight
Can't let go
Until every trace is gone

It's a winding road from Cuesta way
Down sunset to the beach
Though Canoga Park is a straight safe drive
It's too far outta reach

But now the headlights are flashin'by so fast
All directions seems the same
And the windscreen wipers keep a beat repeatin'
You can't let go again

What's in a name on the street tonight
I'm only a face in the crowd
All in the dark and afraid tonight
Nowhere to run or to hide

But I can't let go
Sometimes the world outside'll take you in
With just a smile
And you so blinded with desire
A hundred sleepless nights have left me
Wasted and so cold
But I can take it I'm hangin'on

Can't let go
There's a madness in my soul tonight
Can't let go
Must ride it like the storm
Can't let go
Will I run out of control tonight
Can't let go
Until every trace is gone

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