Zach Bryan
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Lucky Enough

Zach Bryan

The Great American Bar Scene

If i'm lucky enough
I'll see fogs lift with suns as we roll to play a show
In carolina, oklahoma or chicago
I'll grow to know the road to home in places far away
Wrinkled, bald and beat to shit, to never waste a day

Enough people will hate me that i know i did it right
But to never meet a human to say that i don't like

Let me learn the hard way and cut it close some times
That use the attic chest where every lesson lies

I'll have some kids and teach them that we are all the same
Sufferin', smilin', silhouettes of every passin' day

And the love i have
Will always be something my friends yearn
That memories were never cheap and never easy earned

I hope to choke on jack and coke
In a bar during a northern winter
On a night the man was tight and right
As rooftop lights flicker

If i'm lucky enough ill understand losing someone close
Ill clench my teeth on new year's eve
And try to talk to ghosts

I'll stumble through a market on a summer day in june
Smell the salt and asphalt on sunday afternoon

I reckon i'd be lucky if i made it half as far
To only die as on hills that are closest to my heart

If i'm lucky enough notebooks will be strewn across my room
I'll play catch on green grass when springtime flowers bloom

If i'm lucky enough i'll tell the truth every chance i get
‘cuz smiles faked to appease another is worth ten regrets

If i'm lucky enough i will get through hard things
And they will make me gentle to the ways of the world

If i'm lucky enough i'll have the courage to leave and go
Wherever my beatin' heart tells me to go

If i'm lucky enough i'll get high
And invite a guitar player over
And he'll play sweet notes
Until a new york city's rooftop sunrises

I'll meet some kids in school
That still know how to play instruments

If i'm lucky enough i won't make it exactly
To where i'm taking this breath now
Lay my head upon the earth and laugh at passing clouds

If i'm lucky enough
I'll remember the shaky things we've seen
Grab your beard through tears and fears
The great american bar scene

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