Me Ligue
Quando eu era só um garoto
No telefone, no telefone
Minha cabeça estava nas nuvens
Meus pés não tocavam o chão
Você não precisava ir embora daquela forma
Não precisava ir embora daquela forma
Porque eu era só
Só um garoto
No telefone, no telefone
Ainda estou preso a todas as suas promessas
Por que você me disse que estava voltando?
Estive esperando por tanto tempo
Os dias vem e vão
Não me deixe esperando
Me ligue, me ligue, me ligue, me ligue
Amor, me ligue, me ligue, me ligue, me ligue
Estou esperando do lado do telefone, amor
Estou esperando do lado do telefone, amor
Então, me ligue, me ligue, me ligue, me ligue
Você não precisava ir embora daquela forma
Não precisava ir embora daquela forma
Porque eu era só
Só um garoto
No telefone, no telefone
Ainda estou preso a todas as suas promessas
Por que você me disse que estava voltando?
Estive esperando por tanto tempo
Os dias vem e vão
Não me deixe esperando
Me ligue, me ligue, me ligue, me ligue
Amor, me ligue, me ligue, me ligue, me ligue
Estou esperando do lado do telefone, amor
Estou esperando do lado do telefone, amor
Então, me ligue, me ligue, me ligue, me ligue
Call Me Back
When I was just a boy
By the phone, by the phone
My head was stuck in the clouds
Feet would not touch the ground
You didn't have to leave that way
Didn't have to leave that way
Cuz I was just
Just a boy
By the phone, by the phone
I'm still holding on to all your promises
Why'd you tell me you were on your way back
I've been waiting so long
Days have come and they've gone
Don't leave me hanging
Call me back, call me back, call me back, call me back
Baby, call me back, call me back, call me back, call me back
I've been waiting by the phone, love
I've been waiting by the phone, love
So just call me back, call me back, call me back, call me back
You didn't have to be that way
Didn't have to be that way
Cuz I was just
Just a boy
By the phone, by the phone
I'm still holding on to all your promises
Why'd you tell me you were on your way back
I've been waiting so long
Days have come and they've gone
Don't leave me hanging
Call me back, call me back, call me back, call me back
Baby, call me back, call me back, call me back, call me back
I've been waiting by the phone, love
I've been waiting by the phone, love
So just call me back, call me back, call me back, call me back
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