Many thousand good-nights my dearly beloved for never will I see you more This thought is greater torture than any soul hath bore by God's sweet grace or ancient lore Innocent I've arrived innocent must die none have yet survived the death-inducing lie The Priest is barred from my dark cell even though I knew him well Before I was forced to confess to witchery under duress My pleading, bone-whipped cries have chilled the grievous guards enough To aid these shattered hands to scribe and tell you of my love
Promises of death's release seep like sweet seductive speech weary with the agony Six names said; stripped and bled mourning half a dozen dead They'll immolate a traitor forced to sin and throw the wretched ashes to the wind My part on this world's stage is done I played it well for one so young Dwell not on my sufferings I bore them for you Forced to confess avowing to witchery under duress Avowing to treachery Veronica, my sweet Veronica