The politics of the anarchy of the great peoples Always this in the heights of the glory species human being Forgetting all the problems As if was all normal one in our weaknesses
For this we have our votes reliable great N.I.K.E Forever. Threading everybody for the disasters Deepening the hopes more
More my people is this same Goes all in raising them in the fury of the cowardice Sad to be happy Costs what to cost before I finish it of this day
For this we have our votes reliable great N.I.K.E Forever. Threading everybody for the disasters Deepening the hopes more
But if it will not be to depend on me What she was the elite, this with fear of the one that Our hopes if exalter against its lie That in they had deceived them ties I finish it day of our lives Protest because I have mouth and reason to be here
For this we have our votes reliable great N.I.K.E Forever. Threading everybody for the disasters Deepening the hopes more