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Best in Show

Viagra Boys

Six dogs compete for the Best of Show title
in the 49th annual Texas Dango Brango Club Show!
Of the finalists, five are owned by aliens
The dogs are chosen as winners
in the show's six different divisions
We've got hounds, we've got workin' dogs
we got terrier dogs, we got toy dogs
we've got toy-terriers
we got sporting dogs. We got bananas
we got mangoes, we got kiwi fruits
The show is held at the fair's agricultural
building down in the agricultural district
of the agricultural city, you know how
as–– whatever it's called
The winner is a six-year-old English setter –
not the setter you know as Foul Colonel
but the setter was shown by his owner
William T. W. Holt-Richman
"The Dangleberry of Virginia"
The setter gets a kiss of congratulations
from his owner and wags his tail!
He wags his tail, why? He wags his tail because
he is happy! He wags his tail because he knows
he is a winner!
He is not a product of what is expected of a dog
but he is above that!
He has risen – he has ascended above the clouds!
He is looking down upon planet earth
and urinating in the mouths of those
who thought a canine would never walk upon the moon –
those who doubted the theory that a cocker spaniel
could break through the barrier of time
and space and time and space and time! He is best in show
Best in show
Best in show

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