Two Steps From Hell


# 26 faixas

  1. 01. Mercy in Darkness
  2. 03. Everlasting
  3. 04. United We Stand
  4. 05. Love & Loss
  5. 06. The Last Stand
  6. 07. Nero
  7. 08. Destructo
  8. 09. Atlantis
  9. 10. Strength of a thousand men
  10. 11. Unexplained Forces
  11. 12. Magic of love
  12. 13. Norwegian Pirate
  13. 14. Dark Harbor
  14. 15. Dragon Rider
  15. 16. Mountains From Water
  16. 17. Titan Dune
  17. 18. Ironwing
  18. 19. Army of Justice
  19. 20. Immortal Avenger
  20. 21. He who Brings the Night
  21. 22. Caradhras
  22. 23. Sanctuary is Lost
  23. 24. What's Happening to Me
  24. 25. Aesir
  25. 26. Friendship to last