I'm a man but I'm not quite standing Quicksand to land to the frost white canyons And we're still expanding We'll take it hand over fist till we feel like landing From a pigeon to a phoenix to a dove Till my six feet's been dug and they pull me up above Till the flames surround me, till they drowned me I will never want to give it up So you could float to shore or sink to the ocean floor, it's an open door I don't think we've quite reached the brink and we could hold some more So whatcha hoping for? We could do this I see us bursting with ambition I know the last couple years have been a rough transition But man, listen
I'm burning out on all the rations, show me some assassins I'm burning out on all the asking, let's put the plan into action
Keep movin', just push through this Hold on, stay strong We're not built to stay in one place too long No give-ins, just keep movin' Bring what you bring Cause we were born to do extraordinary things