The Entitled Sons


The Entitled Sons

Jocelyn, I never meant to make you cry
Jocelyn, I never meant to make you lie
Jocelyn, I never meant to make you cry
Jocelyn, I think we need to say goodbye

Should I pretend or should I just quit
I never meant to make a big thing out of it
You should know better because your jaydens mum
And you just said that it would be a little fun
I'm picking up my clothes as theres a knock on the door
I'm jumping out the window at a quarter to 4

Jocelyn, I never meant to make you cry
Jocelyn, I never meant to make you lie
Jocelyn, I never meant to make you cry
Jocelyn, I think we need to say goodbye

You are a woman of experience
So why do you have jumping over every fence
Im so sorry that things have got tense
But what a way for me to lose my innocence
Teaching me a lot of things i'll never forget
You made a man of me and i'm forever in your debt

All good things come to an end
All good things come to an end
All good things come to an end
I hope that jocelyn we can still be friends

Jocelyn, I never meant to make you cry
Jocelyn, I never meant to make you lie
Jocelyn, I never meant to make you cry
Jocelyn, I think we need to say goodbye

Compositores: Charlie Jago Crofton Swift, Daniel Zak Watts, Gareth Young, Graham Rupert Swift, Guy Rafferty Beeny Swift, Laurence Thomas Jude Swift, William Percy Harvey Swift

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