The Damned
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There'll Come A Day

The Damned


Fear grips your heart and you fight with all your might
Into the distant light you keep your vision bright
And the torch of love is a burning flame
It burns so bright it consumes all pain
And while you hang your head to prey
Fate deals a hand that we all must play

And when the stars go out
The skies have turned to grey
I'm gonna walk on out
Into a brand new day

Schemes and dreams and just a little more
To keep the wolf howling outside your door
And every night every day
I think I'll go go go insane
That I have to win I have to try
I have to hold my head up high

And when the stars go out
The skies have turned to grey
I'm gonna walk on out
Into a brand new day

And the torch of love is a burning flame
It burns so bright it consumes all pain
And while you hang your head to prey
Fate deals a hand that we all must play

And when the stars go out
The skies have turned to grey
I'm gonna walk on out
Into a brand new day

Compositores: David Vanian, Christopher John Millar (Scabies Rat), Roman Paul Jug (Roman Jugg), Bryn Merrick
ECAD: Obra #17101053 Fonograma #11974195

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