The Box (Band)
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Like A Lily In The Field

The Box (Band)

All those times I cried alone
Cause my heart was like a stone
But you knew how I was feeling
Until that day when I met you
Like I've never felt before (so free)
All I need is that you speak to me again

Only you cold make me feel
Like a lily in the field
So free so pretty
without sorrow without my old guilt
To believe in my dream
It's the reason of my life

Teach me how to live inside your heart
where we can be together

Now I know that I live with you
You are everything in my life
You show me a dream and made it become true
That's why I love you
Now and always you will know
My heart will stay in your hands forever

When the bad rain falls
You keep me under your wings
All those times I cried so loud
You always came to take care of me

Composição: Maick/ Rick

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