The Beatles


# 34 faixas

  1. 01. And Here We Are Again
  2. 03. How About It, Gorgeous?
  3. 06. Hey, Paul...
  4. 08. Hello!
  5. 12. A Real Treat
  6. 14. Absolutely Fab
  7. 19. Lower 5E
  8. 23. Bumper Bundle
  9. 28. The 49 Weeks
  10. 30. Never Mind, Eh?
  11. 32. Bye, Bye
  12. 33. John - Pop Profile (Bonus interview track)
  13. 34. George - Pop Profile (Bonus interview track)

# 29 faixas

  1. 03. Lift Lid Again
  2. 07. Happy Birthday Dear Saturday Club
  3. 08. Now Hush, Hush
  4. 12. Brian Bathtubes
  5. 14. If I Wasn't in America
  6. 18. A Hard Job Writing Them
  7. 20. Oh, Can't We? Yes We Can
  8. 24. Green with Black Shutters
  9. 26. That's What We're Here For
  10. 28. Paul - Pop Profile (Bonus interview track)
  11. 29. Ringo - Pop Profile (Bonus interview track)

# 22 faixas

# 22 faixas

# 24 faixas

# 24 faixas

# 24 faixas

# 22 faixas

  1. 05. Money
  2. 16. Money

# 22 faixas

# 22 faixas

# 25 faixas

  1. 08. It s Only Love
  2. 16. 12-bar Original

# 20 faixas

# 34 faixas

  1. 02. Speech: John Lennon
  2. 05. Speech: Paul McCartney
  3. 09. Speech: Paul
  4. 13. Speech: John
  5. 14. Speech: Brian Epstein
  6. 20. Speech: Brian Epstein
  7. 29. Speech: John

# 26 faixas

  1. 06. Speech: Eric Morecamb & Ernie Wise
  2. 26. Kansas City / Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

# 56 faixas

  1. 45. 1822!