Sit in the kitchen at the end of the day Have a beer and let the tension melt away You drink it from a stein, present from Helga and Klaus The German couple living downstairs in your house
Helga is screaming at her husband again Seems like their difficulties just won't end The shouting and the threats - you know you've heard 'em before It's just a part of living on the second floor
(chorus) Looks like you've reached the bottom Seems like the perfect time To crack another cold one Fill that big empty stein!
Look out the window at the building next door See the reflection coming from the first floor Right below you, see the shoving begin You know as always, neither one will win
His hands 'round her throat, you see her gasping for air A glint in his eye, you know he does not care She reaches back, grabs her big empty stein And cracks him in the skull - he won't get up this time