People, hear ye hear ye I am great 'cause I am me You surely must agree I am I, so you can't be The chosen one, behold me Here is he who holds the key To, and I guarantee Everything as you will see By the grace of me, you and your words, here exist So I can only agree, on that I am When you call me a narcissistic solipsist
Into him I transform Obviously he is my norm For purpose I was born For him I'll take on each storm The mirror shows his form The sight gets me really warm Obscenely I perform love with him My hardest porn
I am the only mind that exists Creating is part of my bliss I feel pain you act pain Not bounded by any law I killed God, now we are Ra Shining bright as Vega The Alpha and Omega
Our being lacks a flaw This self is spectacular Never shall we withdraw We are megalomania
By the grace of me, you and your words, here exist So I can only agree, on that I am When you call me a narcissistic solipsist So no worry when, as for I create your fear Over it, for the fun, I now kill you here