Sweet Mermaids
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You're Trouble

Sweet Mermaids

When I laid eyes on you
I knew it was going to be trouble
Handsome, with a wide and charming smile
There was no way it would end otherwise

I even tried to avoid it at first
But the more I ran away
The more you surrounded me
The worst part of it is that
I liked it

You're trouble, trouble
Just talking to you already caused problems
You're trouble, you're trouble
And the worst part is that I love a problem

You know it's like this
And yet you stayed on top of me
I'm no saint, I don't blame you
I gave in, I love a problem and the
Two of us together
Became a big problem

You're trouble
Just talking to you already caused problems

You're trouble, trouble
Just talking to you already caused problems
You're trouble
And the worst part is that I love a problem

You know it's like this
And yet you stayed on top of me
I'm no saint, I don't blame you
I gave in, I love a problem and the
Two of us together
Became a big problem

You're trouble, trouble
Just talking to you already caused problems
You're trouble
I'm no saint, I don't blame you
I gave in, I love a problem and the
Two of us together
Became a big problem

You know it's like this
And yet you stayed on top of me
I'm no saint, I don't blame you
I gave in, I love a problem and the
Two of us together
Became a big problem

You're trouble, trouble
Just talking to you already caused problems

You're trouble
I'm no saint, I don't blame you
I gave in, I love a problem and the
Two of us together
Became a big problem

Compositor: Gabriel de Abreu

Letra enviada por Madison Montgomery

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