Sweet Mermaids


Sweet Mermaids

It's so good to have you here
Looking at me in this way
Amidst kisses and hugs
So passionately like this

You make me so happy
Your smile lights me up an
Embrace that fascinates me
I want this everyday

Xoxo they're few with you
I want so many things, but for now
Xoxo, Xoxo, and only you

So many
Xoxo the few with you

I want so many things, but for now
Xoxo, Xoxo
Xoxo, Xoxo
Xoxo, Xoxo
And only you

There's nothing in the world
That I would change
Excepet to stop time
When we're together
Xoxo, Xoxo and only you

There's nothing in the world
That I would change except
To stop time when we're together
Xoxo, Xoxo
And only you

There's nothing in the world
That I would change
Excepet to stop time
When we're together
Xoxo, Xoxo and only you

Compositor: Gabriel de Abreu

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