Sweet Mermaids
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Never Thought

Sweet Mermaids

Sweet Mermaids (Deluxe Version)


I'm sitting in the park
Watching the flowers and birds
The day is so beautiful even without you here
I haven't gotten over it
I haven't forgotten

But I can already see
The beauty of the colors
My world is no longer gray
Even though you're not here with me
I can see colors, now I see

I never thought we would end
I never thought I would see colors without you
I never thought it would come to an end
I never thought so many things
I never thought, never thought of saying goodbye

But it's torture to delay the inevitable
Loving you was very good
But like every good book
Our romance has come to an end
It's hard to change, but you taught me
Taught me my strength and to always move forward

I never thought we would end
I never thought I would see colors without you
I never thought it would come to an end
I never thought so many things
I never thought we would end
I never thought I would see colors without you
I never thought so many things

I never thought

Compositor: Gabriel de Abreu

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