Sweet Mermaids


Sweet Mermaids

Life doesn't give us much time
So we have to take what we can
To have fun, party, and dance
Before the curtains close

I heard this sound and dance
Listen, listen and sing, and sing, and sing
Listen and sing
Listen and sing
Dance listen and dance, and sing
Listen, listen, listen and dance

Let's not leave time behind
Oh, Let's sing, dance, and listen
Sometimes talking is too much
So let's just listen

I heard this sound and dance
Listen, listen and sing, and sing, and sing
Listen and sing
Listen and sing
Dance listen and dance, and sing
Listen, listen, listen and dance

Let's not leave time behind
Let's sing, dance, and listen
Sometimes talking is too much
So let's just listen

I heard this sound and dance
Listen, listen and sing, and sing, and sing
Listen and sing
Listen and sing
Dance listen and dance, and sing
Listen, listen, listen and dance

Let's sing, dance, and listen
Sometimes talking is too much
So let's just listen
I heard this sound and dance

Life doesn't give us much time
So we have to take what we can to
have fun
Party and dance before the curtains fall

I heard this sound and dance listen to the sounds
Listen and sing, listen and sing, listen and sing
Listen and sing, listen and dance dance
Let's not leave time behind

Let's not leave time here
Let's sing dancing
Sometimes talking is too much
So let's just listen

I heard this sound and
Dance listen to the sounds
Listen and sing, listen and sing
Listen and sing, listen and sing
Listen and dance
Listen and dance

Compositor: Gabriel de Abreu

Letra enviada por Madison Montgomery

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