Sweet Mermaids

Full Moon

Sweet Mermaids

Sweet Mermaids (Deluxe Version)

The full moon will shine today
Hmm... hum

Full moon to another without
Knowing whether it was a planet
A full moon shine
Filled my eyes
With all your love

Hmm... hum

Shine in my eyes
Hmm... hum
The full moon will shine today
Hmm... hum
The full moon will shine today
The full moon will shine
(The full moon will shine)

Before I met you
I was lost in the stars
I went from one to another
Without knowing whether it was a planet
A full moon shone
Filled my eyes with all your love

Hmm... hum

Shine in my eyes
Hmm... hum
The full moon will shine today
Hmm... hum
The full moon will shine today
The full moon will shine
(The full moon will shine)

This full moon is for lovers
to fall in love
This full moon from now on
will always shine
Hmm... hum

Shine in my eyes
Hmm... hum
The full moon will shine today
Hmm... hum
The full moon will shine today
The full moon will shine
(The full moon will shine)

This full moon is for lovers
to fall in love
This full moon from now on
will always shine
Hmm... hum
Hmm... hum

Compositores: Sweet Mermaids, Gabriel de Abreu

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