Sweet Mermaids


Sweet Mermaids

Sweet Mermaids

You broke me
You just used me made me cry
And scream in pain
You hurt me while I was trying to help you
But I know that's the way you are like this
And that's why
I'm going to keep you away from me

I I I I don't need an anesthesia
I want you away since you
are the cause of my wounds
Don't try to numb me
I don't want anesthesia

No more looking for me stop trying to drag me
Don't try to cause me pain anymore
You're a monster that time hans't taken away
And that's why
I'm going to keep you away from me

I I I I don't need an anesthesia
I want you away since you
are the cause of my wounds
Don't try numb me
I don't want anesthesia

I don't want anesthesia
I oh

Compositores: Sweet Mermaids, Gabriel de Abreu

Letra enviada por Gabriel de Abreu

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