Popularidade de Soulfly Mensal Semanal Diário Created with Highcharts 6.0.3 Highcharts.com
Músicas mais tocadas Mensal Semanal Diário
Acosador Nocturno American Steel Ancestors Archangel Arise Again Babylon Back To The Primitive Bethlehem's Blood Bite The Bullet Bleak Bleed Blood on the Streets Blood, Fire, War, Hate Bloodbath & Beyond Boom Born Again Anarchist Brasil Bring It Bumbklaatt Call To Arms Carved Inside Catch A Spirit Chains Corrosion Creeps Counter Sabotage Dead Behind The Eyes (Ft. Randy Blythe) Deceiver Defeat U Demonized Doom Downstroy Ecstasy of Gold Enemy Ghost Enter Faith Evil Empowered Execution Style Eye For An Eye Fall Of The Sycophants Feedback! Filth Upon Filth Fire First Commandment For Those About To Rot Four Elements Frontlines Fuel The Hate Gladiator Great Depression I And I I Believe In Memory Of... Innerspirit Intervention Ishtar Rising Jeffrey Dahmer Jumpdafuckup Kingdom L.O.T.M. Legions Lethal Injection Live Life Hard! (Ft. Matt Young) Living Sacrifice March Mars Mega-doom Molotov Mother Of Dragons (Ft. Anahid M.O.P., Igor Cavalera & Richie Cavalera) Mulambo (With Translation) No No Hope = No Fear No Hope=No Fear Off With Their Heads One Nation Pain Paranoia Prejudice Quilombo Redemption Of Man By God Resistance Revengeance Riotstarter Rise Of The Fallen Ritual Rot in Pain Rough Sailin' On Sangue de Bairro Scouring The Vile Scouring the Vile (Ft. John Tardy) Seek 'N Strike Shamash Slave Sodomites (Ft. Todd Jones) Son Song Soulfire Soulfly Soulfly (with Notes) Soulfly Vii Soulfly X (Ft. Roman Babakhanyan) Soulfly XI Soulfly XII Spirit Animal Spit Stay Strong Superstition Terrorist The Beautiful People The Damage Done The Prophet The Song Remains Insane The Summoning Totem Touching The Void Tree Of Pain Tribe Umbabarauma Under Rapture Under Rapture (Ft. Ross Dolan) Unleash Vulture Culture Warmageddon We Sold Our Souls To Metal Wings World Scum You Suffer (Ft. Roki Cavalera)
Análise de dados
A primeira vez que Soulfly apareceu no Vagalume foi em Junho de 2003 . As 3 músicas mais acessadas na época eram Fire , Bleed e Back To The Primitive .
Por 22 meses, entre Setembro de 2004 e Julho de 2006 , Soulfly se destacou com a música Soulfly .
No período, a popularidade máxima atingiu 0.9 pontos em Outubro de 2004 .
Em Outubro de 2022 a música Jeffrey Dahmer fez a popularidade subir para 0.4 pontos.
Atualmente, em Janeiro de 2025 , a popularidade está em 0.1 pontos e a música mais acessada é Jumpdafuckup .